When I started Sew Over It back in 2011, I was given some amazing advice by my then mentor. He told me that I should do a bubble diagram (not sure if you still call it that!) of all the people you know who help you with your business. What you realise is that you know more people than you think who could help you out.
This is so useful when budgets are tight. I didn’t have a lot of set up money for Sew Over It but I managed to get photography, decorating and PR for free. I made the photographer a pair of curtains in return for a shoot. The decorating for my shop was done by friends and family. Everyone did a little and that got it all done! And the PR I offered a friend who was out of work a place to come and send her applications from (my shop) and in return she helped me with PR list to contact journalists.
Don’t be afraid to offer a swapsy to someone if you can’t pay them! What’s the worst that can happen? They say no. Oh well, move on and ask someone else.